Monday, February 06, 2006


Smore's are fun!

What smore could I ask for?
yummy yummy
ooooh.. hot hot hot..
now you see my smore.. now you dont.
smore art.

I think this is only the second time the kids have had smores. I stand back and try to ignore the ingredients as they down this "non-food" creation. Every once and a while wont hurt them right? I couldnt bring myself to eat a marshmallow (if you really want to know what it is made of.. let me know..) .. but I did have chocolate on a graham cracker! ..

check out what history says about the marshmallow:
Ancient Egyptians were the first to enjoy a gooey treat now called marshmallow as early as 2000 BC. The treat was considered very special and it was reserved for gods and royalty.
(see the link to see what's in todays marshmallows)
(anyone know where I can get some non-gelatin marshmallows? would love to try those!)

Happy Monday!

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my grandmother told me that she invented s'mores, and I believed her for like 10 years until I saw a commercial for the cereal... then i knew somthing was up.

way to be for using the fireplace and doing it almost the real way (campfire... but those are not good to have in the livingroom).
Actually, check out this link to make your own marshmallows.
We did it in Africa, and they're really good. Lots of sugar, so still pretty much a non-food, but at least they don't have any gelatin!!!(=

Miss you!
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