Thursday, February 23, 2006


I couldn't imagine my life any other way

"Now, that work which is of most importance to society is the bringing-up and instruction of the children - in the school, certainly, but far more in the home, because it is more than anything else the home influences brought to bear upon the child that determine the character and career of the future man or woman. It is a great thing to be a parent : there is no promotion, no dignity, to compare with it. The parents of but one child may be cherishing what shall prove a blessing to the world. But then, entrusted with such a charge, they are not free to say 'I may do as I will with mine own.' The children are, in truth, to be regarded less as personal property than as public trusts, put into the hands of parents that they may make the very most of them for the good of society. And, this responsibility is not equally divided between the parents : it is upon the mothers of the present that the future of the world depends, in even a greater degree than upon the fathers, because it is the mothers who have the sole direction of the child's early, most impressionable years. This is why we hear so frequently of great men who had good mothers - that is, mothers who brought up their children themselves, and did not make over their gravest duty to indifferent persons." Charlotte Mason, 1893,

When people ask me why I homeschool and say "I could NEVER do that!" it makes me sad. I am not super woman, I am do not hold a degree in "education", I am not a wealthy, well organized, super intelligent woman. I consider myself poorly educated, even though I have a college degree. I consider myself very poorly read, and neither math nor spelling are not my strong points.
So you ask why it makes me sad? It saddens me because they have no idea what they are missing! Most people have it in their minds they have to be something special or have some special degree to teach their children. That is flat out wrong! Our society has been brainwashed into thinking this way. They are something special BECAUSE they are MOM..or DAD.
You might ask.. so what are they missing? .. well heres a short list of the memories I have through homeschooling: kids reading their first books
.... Catherine looking up her first word in the dictionary.
... cozy days when its raining outside and we lay in the floor for hours reading great books.
....walking into the kids bedroom and "catching" Catherine reading the Bible to the boys, and the boys quietly alert.
... Imaginations soaring high.. (using the dog leashes to make reigns for a brother sister or friend to be a horse, plays made up with themes from Odysseus and Little House, my children suddenly turning invisible or any other creature imaginable (including ancient god or goddesses, this list could go on and on) together (my kids in the kitchen baking a cake together and having a great time)
......getting asked questions/ questions/ questions.. "what is infinity?", "Is a avocado a fruit or a veggie?" "What's 234 plus 10,000?" "Where does the water go when it goes down the drain?" "Can I built a tent?" and "why do we HAVE to go to bed when you say?" "why did God make the devil?" "Is that latin or greek?"(someday I will write down all the questions i get asked in one day..THAT would be interesting)
... getting hurt/hurting someone, saying "I am sorry" hugging and "are you ok?" work... (5 minute clean ups, backyard obstacle courses, and organized dance parties)
... JOY!... even on the days that nothing seems to be going right.

My list of things could go on and on forever. All I know is that I would have never thought 10 years ago that I would homeschool but NOW I couldn't imagine my life any other way. Life is too short, memories are too sweet, and my kids education is too important.

I realize that homeschooling is a choice that many do not make. The older my children get the more I realize that we are different, and that is ok. The choices we make in raising our children (not just our choice to homeschool) are important ones. I truly believe that the vast majority of parents make decisions that they think are the BEST for THEIR children. Different things are important to different people. Some consider the physical environment (their homes) most important, some its providing the lastest fashion or tech trend, providing the newest or best quality physical environments. Other people place importance on the future, the best schools, the right sports programs, the best private lessons, so their children can get in the best college. Each person has their own reason for what is MOST important to them when raising their children. Here's to raising the children God blessed us with to the best of our ability.


Joseph when he was about 3.. he didnt want to smile! he did want to go over there! he wanted to stay right where he was.. isnt he just the cutest kid ever!

You should publish that somewhere, Ruth. I'm serious....(=

So good to chat and laugh with you this afternoon (your night) even from millions of miles away.

And, I got ALL of my homework done. (=
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