Saturday, August 13, 2005


food in the microwave

So.. Live on the farm is kinda laid back.. (sure wish I lived on that farm!) .. Things have be busy around here getting ready for school to begin and getting the house organized. I have set my schedule for the next six weeks of friday night art classes and I am looking forward to those. I am soo happy to be back home and and really getting a good hold on the house. I have cleaned out four closets and am almost caught up on laundry (again).

Isnt if funny how being away from home makes you love being home when you get here.. even if your house stinks when you walk in the door. Yes.. our house was little musty after being gone for a week. But there was also this strange smell in the air I could quite figure where it was coming from. Now mind you, I am only human and not a super mom, I do forget things every now and then.. I usually dont forget them for a week! Well I finally figured out I had left.. yess.. you guest it! FOOD IN THE MICROWAVE! .. It just so happened to be broccoli, carrots, and squash I had heated up and FORGOT to eat for lunch before we left. Well.. it was so horrible that after bleaching, lemon water cooking, and sitting baking soda in it for 12 hours the smell would not come out.. So... Out went the microwave. So I guess I have learned another lesson, ALWAYS check the burners on your stove and oven to make sure you turned them off, and now.. make sure your microwave it EMPTY before you leave to go out of town.

The trip to Fiesta Texas was good. The kids had a great time except for the time when Nate was kinda sorta going under--- RIGHT IN FRONT OF A LIFEGUARD!!!--- Needless to say I was not too happy! .. and OH the other time when Jo stepped on a BEE! (I was ready to go home after that.. those two things happened like 20 min apart from each other!) Jo, who gets car sick only threw up ONE time! And I think we only had to turn around twice on the trip. Not too bad huh?

I do have a funny thing to add about Jo and Nate:
In the car driving from one town to the next Nate says out of the blue:
"Its weird how grandpaw got buried in the ground to get to heaven! I mean, your in the ground! and HEAVEN is in outer space and your body is buried.. I MEAN... only your SOUL goes to Heaven but your body is buried!"

Nate pauses and then says:
" God could hold up the Earth without NOTHING!"
Jo says: Yeah .. Its like .. The earth is small to God! Like a SPECK of salt!"
Nate says: "NO... Like a grain of sugar!... I mean sugar is TEEENNNEEY Tiny!"

Oh the deep conversations they have! What fun! What Joy to listen to them talk to each other!

Well Cat just invited me to a dog show.. I guess she has been working with Trixy and wants to put on a show for us..

More later..
Oh.. and please dont tell anyone about my microwave story.. its sooo embarrassing! :) HEHE..

Oh goody. I now have a story on you just in case you ever blab about mine...

Too late, Sarah...I already know that story!! =)
Oh shoot! Did I really tell you too? Now I'll have to dig and find a story about you (that's more embarassing than a simple latte-on-feet spill...)
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