Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Home School Stuff

I thought I would write a few lines about the curriculum I chose for the kids while at the homeschool bookfair.

Math: Math-u-see. (for Jo and Cat) I debated back and forth, and was really going to switch to a different, more colorful math program, but after all was said and done, Catherine has learned a lot from Math-u-see. She passed her placement test to move to the next level, but I am requiring her to finish her book before she starts her new one. She was happy to see the next Math-u-see book come out of the bag when I got home.

Science: I got a book called "The Body Book". It is a coloring type book but you photo copy the pages and connect all the bones and organs ect and when you are finished you have a large full size paper model of the body. Pretty cool.

grammar: I got a workbook and text from Rod and Staff Publishing. It is a Christian based grammar program. It is neat to have sentences she will diagram that are facts from the Bible. One example, the first lesson is to alphabetize a group of names, all people from the Bible.

Spelling: Spelling Work-out. This is the spelling that The Well-Trained Mind author recommends, but I had never seen it until we went to Mardels (love that store!). I asked Cat yesterday if she felt like she really had a spelling workout after she was done. .. she said.. OH Yeah! (Jo likes his too!)

handwriting: All the kids got handwriting without Tears. They love it. Catherine is on her final cursive book, and enjoys cursive a lot more than print. Jo is happy to have a book cause he has been finished with his first print book in Feb. He loves to just do lots and lots of pages at a time.

Reading- Oh.. the library.

Bible: I was happy to finally buy the Your Story Hour tapes. They are radio plays from years ago. I think the 1950s. The kids love them, and so do I. Of course we love to read the stories from the Bible before or after the tapes. The company also has lots of other tapes and radio dramas-from American History to Fairy Tales. They are great. (These tapes would be a great birthday or Christmas gift for any kid. I only have this one set but plan to share with other homeschooling friends who have some of the other tapes.)

History: I am still using "The Story of Our World" ... Love love love this history. I am hoping to be finished with the first book "The Ancients" by Aug. so I can start the next book, : the Middle Ages, in the fall. (we got stuck in Egypt and Greece this year and didn't want to leave!.. but this week we are heading to Rome! FUN)

Oh and I cant forget Latin! English from the Roots up is actually a text that focuses on Latin and Greek roots. I also got Rummy Roots, which is a card game with Latin and Greek roots.. WE will all learn a root of the week. Should be great!

Some people probably think homeschooling is expensive. All the things I bought this year for my kids was under $300.00. That is way less than I would spend on clothes, supplies, and gas if they went to school. (public or private). Of course Homeschooling is not for every family, and I believe each Family makes the choices they think are appropriate for their kids. I must say, homeschooling has been such a blessing to our family, and to so many others (as seen at the homeschool book fair in Arlington this last weekend.. Hundreds of homeschooling families WOW!) if you ever consider homeschooling as an option for your family I would love to answer any questions you might have.

Hope you have a blessed day at home.. time to go check on the silk worm and wash the puppies crate out.


What are you doing for Rome? I just got out of a whole semester of Background to the New Testament, which was all about Roman culture and history. I could share some stuff with the kids (some of the less disgusting stuff....those Romans, my goodness!!!) if you wanted. Including cooking...did you know that french toast was originally an ancient roman recipe?

Gotta go...auditing a class. Now that I've graduated, I get to learn for fun!
would love to see what you have jessica! today we studied Cyrus the Great.. yipee! what fun ..
glad you can learn for fun now!
come see us!!!!!
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