Monday, March 07, 2005


Pre-occupied, HEB, and my will.

Sorry havent blogged in a while, I've been a little pre-occupied. Jo's surgery is T-minus 1 day and counting and I am ready for it to be all over with. We had pre-admit today and I was very thankful Jo didnt have to go with us for that. I said before seems like it is always harder on Mom and Dad than on the kido and that sure seems the case. Jo is just has a "OK, No Big Deal" kinda attitude. I told Daddy tonight that I have been telling myself over and over "God's word says not to worry" but boy howdy that is hard some times isn't it. All I guess we can do is pray and trust that God has a plan.

As far as the last few days we have been just being us I guess. Joel has been working hard on the bathroom and it is looking great! The kids and I have taken a little break from the school work this week. They have been playing lots the last few days and doing lots of painting, and drawing. The kids and I went to HEB this morning and then Walmart. We had a great time at both places. The kids enjoyed talking to each other at HEB about how fun it would be if the ac ducts were slides and water slides. (funny). They were also excitted to hold a pappaya (sp?) and were really wanting to buy some mini bananas (have you seen those?) but when I explained that the mini bananas were 99c a pound and the organic reg bananas were 79c a pound they decided the reg bananas were the better deal. It was also entertaining to see their reactions to seeing r2D2 on the cover of a cheeseits box.. and then nate begain to sing the theme song to star wars in the middle of the cracker isle and down to the frozen apple juice section. At walmart the fish had signs on the tanks saying they were sick. We had a interesting discusion about "how do you know if a fish is sick?" .. I said they probably took thier temperature (the kids thought that was funny) .. we dicided they actually test the water or something..

The kids have been talking lots about Daddys birthday that is tomorrow. In talking about what to get Daddy, Jo said "I want to give him a jar of pickles and a card" Cat said "a Flashlight and a card" Nate said.. well to be honest at this moment none of us can remember what Nate said. But then Jo decided he wanted to give Daddy "LOVE" .. I said that was a great gift and the kids all agreed to give Daddy "Love" too. OK.. so how sweet is that? I am glad I am doing this blog so all yall can read it and keep up with us.. but mostly I think it will be a great place to put stories like that about the kids that I will probably forget in a few months. (maybe sooner if I dont start getting more sleep). :) The kids got a great laugh out of watching Tanner get up on the roof this afternoon and were of course hollering to me to come out and see .. more because they thought he couldnt get down by himself.

Sunday I was amazed at nate and he sat in my lap for atleast an hour working on one of those sliding puzzles with the 16 squares. The one he was working was of superman. He got his face and chest all put together where it goes .. I asked him if he had ever put the whole thing together and he just said "no" (real serious). I was just shocked how he worked and worked and didnt give up. (Until of course he thought he heard his Daddy and Jo wrestling in the living room. but it was a false alarm.. and a few seconds later he was back in my lap to "finish" the puzzle. ) I just keep telling myself.. hes only 3. .....Cat read and recited poems to NaNa and PawPaw who came over for Sunday Lunch. NaNa made a great roast and fixins. YUM.

OH and later Sunday I got out my clarinet and played a little for the kids. I then went to the attic to hunt for my old music from highschool. Well I didnt find the music but I did find a bunch of letters Daddy and I had written to each other when were dating and then newly married. I had some AWEFUL poems I wrote..I mean CHEESY! ( nate could probably write many lots better than I did).. I also found a "will" I had jotted down.. now that was funny.. Sorry big brother I only left you my books, my tennis racket and a bottle of ketchup. Well. needless to say we laughed and laughed at those letters, we were so young! Great memories! :)

Here's to those great days and hopefully many more to come. Blessed to be here in many ways, more than I can count and treasuring every minute I can.

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